October 12, 2023

Deutsche Bank and Germany SailGP Team announce three-year partnership

The sponsorship builds on Deutsche Bank's history of promoting competitive sports and talented athletes. Deutsche Bank is committed to raising awareness of the importance and vulnerability of the oceans, and our cooperation with the Germany SailGP Team fits in perfectly with these efforts.


Deutsche Bank Wealth Management and the Germany SailGP Team announced a three-year sponsorship deal making it the sailing team’s first global partner. 


The partnership provides a new platform for Deutsche Bank to engage with its current and future client base. Furthermore, the collaboration fits seamlessly into the bank’s blue economy strategy that aims at forming alliances to protect the ocean while building on Deutsche Bank’s history of promoting competitive sports and talented athletes. 


For the Germany SailGP Team, it underlines their ambition to be involved in environmental protection and act as a role model for younger generations and offers a great opportunity to build on this ambition. 


Tim Krieglstein, CEO of the Germany SailGP Team, said: “We’re very happy to partner with Deutsche Bank as they bring a lot of expertise in the blue economy, which is very helpful for us. The partnership at this early stage gives us the opportunity to jointly drive processes and develop actions that our sustainability strategy can include.”


Julian Thurston, Head of Strategy, Marketing & Global Client Management for the Private Bank said: “We’re proud to be the global partner of the Germany SailGP Team in their journey as part of the world's most exciting sail racing league and to help empower innovation and sustainability in sail sport. At Deutsche Bank, the blue economy represents a crucial part not only of our sustainability strategy but also our business ambitions as a Global Hausbank for families and entrepreneurs.”

We’re proud to be the global partner of the Germany SailGP Team in their journey as part of the world's most exciting sail racing league and to help empower innovation and sustainability in sail sport.

Julian Thurston

Head of Strategy, Marketing & Global Client Management for the Private Bank

The combined goal is to take the sport and its sustainability ambitions to new levels by educating people, bringing fans closer to the action and delivering world-class experiences to clients worldwide. In addition, joining forces at an early stage gives the Germany SailGP Team and Deutsche Bank the unique opportunity not only to support existing projects, but also to develop pioneering strategies in the field of sustainability together and to move in a common direction. 


As part of the sponsorship agreement, the racing boat and apparel carries Deutsche Bank’s logo. Furthermore, the bank will also enjoy a range of sponsor benefits, including marketing and social media rights. Both parties have agreed not to disclose the precise sponsorship costs.

Competing for speed and sustainability

Competing for speed and sustainability

In addition to sporting success, the individual Sail GP Teams are also evaluated in terms of their impact on the environment. This includes the drastic reduction of waste, electricity consumption, travel activities and the measurement of CO2 emissions caused by flights to the races, for example. Furthermore, the athletes want to act as role models who have a positive impact on society. For this purpose, the sailors will work together with purpose partners and drive existing projects further with their support to contribute to a more sustainable future and sport.




Deutsche Bank’s blue economy strategy

Deutsche Bank’s blue economy strategy

In 2019, Deutsche Bank’s Chief Investment Office identified the oceans as a strategic macroeconomic risk and enabler, and in 2021 became the first bank to partner with the Ocean Risk and Resilience Action Alliance (ORRAA) as a full member to build its knowledge and network, including those in ocean research and conservation in close collaboration with its Chief Investment Office. Launched in October 2022, the Deutsche Bank Ocean Resilience Philanthropy Fund aims to quickly deploy unrestricted funds in response to the great challenge of ocean degradation. 




About the Germany SailGP Team

About the Germany SailGP Team

Germany was the latest nation to join the sail racing league in May this year and has since competed in races in Chicago, Los Angeles, Saint Tropez and Taranto. Germany SailGP is a seven-sailor-strong team, including driver Erik Heil, double Olympic sailing bronze medalist and former Deutsche Sporthilfe grant holder, and Kahena Kunze, the team’s strategist and two-time Olympic champion. The Germany SailGP Team is owned by Thomas Riedel and four-time Formula 1 world champion Sebastian Vettel. Both Riedel and Vettel are actively advising the team.




About SailGP

About SailGP

With the ambition to be the world’s most sustainable and purpose-driven global sports and entertainment platform, SailGP is the world’s most exciting racing on water and features sailing’s best athletes racing in identical F50 catamarans at record-breaking speeds approaching 100 km/h. SailGP also races for a better future, championing a world powered by nature and has set a target to become 100% powered by clean energy, both on and off the water, by 2025. The championship is endorsed by leading bodies such as the UN. For example, SailGP achieved triple-gold recognition in the United Nations Climate Neutral Now initiative. For more information please visit the link below.





About Deutsche Bank


Deutsche Bank provides retail and private banking, corporate and transaction banking, lending, asset and wealth management products and services as well as focused investment banking to private individuals, small and medium-sized companies, corporations, governments and institutional investors. Deutsche Bank is the leading bank in Germany with strong European roots and a global network.



Germany SailGP Team

Andrea Hoeppner und Eva Puschmann 

Hoeppner Sport- und Markenkommunikation GmbH 


Phone: +49 40 271 636 30



Deutsche Bank Media Relations


Communications Private Bank Germany

Julia Yesil 
Email: julia.yesil@db.com


Communications Private Bank International

Melissa van Anraad

Email: melissa.van-anraad@db.com



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