Eligible Investors


Further to confirmation from the Israeli Securities Authority, Deutsche Bank (Switzerland) Ltd. is permitted to prospect for "eligible investors" in Israel subject to certain clarifications which we will provide prior to an eligible investor opening an account. In addition, other Deutsche Bank Group entities may from time to time prospect for clients in Israel and they too are required to make certain disclosures to prospective clients. Amongst these is a requirement to detail the product partners which we work with, as well as detail the types of products which we may, in the future, market to an Israel eligible investor. The types of products we may offer to eligible investors are detailed below, as are our approved product partners in the attached document which will be reviewed and updated (where necessary), as a minimum, on an annual basis.


The types of securities and financial products that we may market to you or which our portfolio management team may invest in on your behalf include:


  • Single equities, single bonds (or similar fixed income instruments) and single convertible securities;

  • Collective investment schemes that invest in one or more underlying asset classes or financial products, including but not limited to Mutual Funds, OEICs, Investment Trusts, and SICAVs;

  • Structured Products (being a combination of a derivative and another underlying financial instrument providing exposure to one or more asset classes or financial products);

  • Derivative instruments;

  • Hedge Funds; and

  • Private Market investments involving investment in financial products providing exposure to real estate and/or private equity, typically being long-term and/or illiquid investments, whether by way of a collective investment scheme (including but not limited to a limited partnership structure) or direct investment.  


The Deutsche Bank Group member providing you with services is engaged in investment marketing and not in investment advising.


This Deutsche Bank Group member  has decided to market certain products to you because it receives certain benefits when one of its clients invests in the transaction. Other similar transactions or investment opportunities to which it has no connection, may also be available.

The content and materials on this website may be considered Marketing Material. The market price of an investment can fall as well as rise and you might not get back the amount originally invested.  The products, services, information and/or materials contained within these web pages may not be available for residents of certain jurisdictions. Please consider the sales restrictions relating to the products or services in question for further information. Deutsche Bank does not give tax or legal advice; prospective investors should seek advice from their own tax advisers and/or lawyers before entering into any investment.